Hillary Clinton Nude Xray Photo + Rare Photos

Hillary Rodham and Bill Clinton met back in 1970 while they were both attending Yale.  Bill saw Hillary in the University library, and after running into each other several times, the pair began dating.  Now, Hillary may not be considered a real “looker”, but her drive, intellect and power were likely aphrodisiacs for Bill.  The couple sustained their relationship even through the Monica Lewinsky scandal (Bill needed a blowjob, ok?), and continues to thrive as one of the World’s most powerful couples.

With Hillary mounting her own campaign for President, someone out there must appreciate the cougar that Hillary has become.  There is only one photo we can find that shows what look like Hillary’s breasts, but any new photos we find will be updated here!

The Original Bill and Hillary


The Xray’d Photo of Hillary Clinton Nude

Hillary Clinton nude xray breasts

A Gallery of Photos